Entrapment: FBI Agent in “Whitmer Kidnapping Plot” Claimed “Mission is to Kill Governor!”
The FBI also used a "private company" to profit off the case, by creating a "futures market" whereby they used an "internet intelligence company" to predict in advance aspects of the case.
August 30, 2021 — The so-called “Whitmer Kidnapping Plot” has been unfolding for a long time now. Thousands of pages of documents have been filed and countless exhibits produced. Over this period of time, I have reported extensively on this case in prior articles but for those of you who are not familiar with the case, see the following Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV of our reporting on this case.
In a brief summary of our reporting, it has come out that 12 out of the 18 individuals involved in the so-called “plot” were FBI informants as well as two undercover FBI agents. From the evidence, it appears that the FBI drove the entire “plot” from start to finish. Text messages from the FBI handlers reveal that they directed the main informant, who happened to be second in command of the group, to “draw” specific people into the plot. That handling agent then directed the informants to “delete these texts” which is obstruction of justice.
Buzzfeed reported that Dan, aka CHS-2, was involved with every aspect of the plot from start to finish. A prosecutor working this case was “reassigned” due to ethics concerns and an investigation being conducted into misconduct with informants in a prior case. The main FBI agent overseeing the operation, Richard J. Trask was later arrested for attempting to kill his wife, beating her senseless after a “swingers” party.
Read the rest of this article1 here.