Update: John Scott Moretti Child Sexual Assault Case DROPPED
Top State Department official charged with child rape gets case withdrawn right before trial was slated to begin.
January 11, 2022 — The latest development in the child rape case of one John Scott Moretti was the stunning dropping of the case. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this case, I have written about it previously here, here and here. For some background, in May of 2020 Moretti was arrested. I wrote on May 12th the following:
The recent arrest of John Scott Moretti, also known as J. Scott Moretti, Scott Moretti and John Moretti have brought to light some incredible and unsettling connections. From the Chicago Mafia crime family, to the founding of the “SIGNA Society,” the CIA secret society, to the State Department, Diplomatic Security, to the Vatican and allegations of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. We end up getting a picture of a well-connected CIA family, with not only J. Scott Moretti, who was arrested for forcible sodomy of a child. His brother Mark Moretti who, after years in the Diplomatic Service seemingly had a “change of heart” to become a priest in the Catholic Church. Then there is the father who may have been involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy — it’s a story that will take several articles to tell, but here is what we have been able to piece together so far… – Radix Verum
Moretti was said to be held without bond since his arrest.
This case was dropped because of the Prince William County Police total disregard for evidence and failure to follow leads. They were only interested in getting the big target across the street. They withheld exculpatory evidence and when the Judge reviewed that evidence at the defense insistence. The Charges were ordered dropped. The behavior of the Police in this case was despicable. Morretti is a good man who has served his Country in some of the worst circumstances in the past 30 years. Thank God the truth came out.