Questions for FBI Special Agent Kristopher Long, Part 1
From Barry Croft, a political prisoner from the Whitmer "kidnapping plot," currently on track to go into the infamous communications management unit (CMU) of Terre Haute Supermax.
Background Information
Barry Croft is a political prisoner who was wrongfully accused and convicted (in a hasty “re-trial” after the first trial ended in zero convictions with 2 men acquitted and found not guilty and a mistrial declared on Adam Fox and Mr. Croft) in the FBI’s Gov. Whitmer “kidnapping plot” hoax. The case is currently on appeal with the Sixth Circuit.
Mr. Croft has suffered retaliation for speaking to the press and public, and for his participation in my documentary film about the case, “Kidnap and Kill: an FBI Terror Plot,” in my personal opinion. In fact, at Mr. Croft’s sentencing, U.S. Attorney Nils Kessler quoted verbatim from an interview Mr. Croft and I had done the night before. Mr. Kessler said that Barry was now the “spiritual leader” of a nonexistent crime and that he was like the “Blind Sheikh” and “ISIS.” Barry received an even harsher sentence than the homeless man they framed as the “ringleader” Adam Fox.
Mr. Croft would like to sue the individual agents and informants who worked on the case but he is currently at Terre Haute Supermax Prison on track to go into the CMU. His commissary has been drained and is negative over $2k, according to his fiancé. We believe this was done to prevent him from being able to purchase stamps and envelopes to communicate. He is only allowed one 15-minute phone call per month at the moment. Letter are his only means of communicating with the outside world.
Questions for FBI Special Agent Kristopher Long, Part 1:
Mr. Croft has a number of questions he would like to ask of FBI Special Agent Kristopher Long, who was his assigned case agent. He wants Mr. Long to be deposed and asked these questions under oath in a civil case he would like to bring against the individual agents and informants who worked on his case:
You testified that you handled “snitch” (FBI CHS) Jenny Plunk, correct?
You testified that you drove a recording device to “snitch” (FBI CHS) Robeson in Ohio, correct?
Do agents routinely handle two informants involved in the same case?
Is it FBI protocol to flip-flop agents and informants?
Was “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Jenny Plunk tasked with recording and given a device?
If so, what made it necessary for you to drive one to Robeson in Ohio?
You testified that you initiated an investigation on me in May 2019, correct? For “anti-government” rhetoric and person prohibited right?
May-December is eight months, and you discovered nothing to charge me with, right?
So, with no chargeable offense committed in 8 months what made you task “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Jenny Plunk with interacting with me?
How did you connect with “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Jenny Plunk given she lives in Tennessee, and you’re assigned to the Baltimore Field Office?
Are you, or were you in communications with Special Agent or Impola between January-December of 2020?
How many “CHS’s” were you aware of in this particular entrapment scheme?
Were you aware that “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Dan had been tasked with recording all phone calls with targets?
Why didn’t you task “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Jenny Plunk to do the same?
Are you aware of the volume of calls from “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Jenny Plunk to myself during the course of this entrapment scheme?
Could it be possible, and even likely that “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Jenny Plunk didn’t record calls because her role was to stir my government paranoia, and radicalize me prior to my invite to Dublin, Ohio?
Were you aware that “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Steve Robeson organized the Dublin meeting?
Were you aware that “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Robeson invited myself and my kids to a resort at Myrtle Beach after I turned down attending a 2A rally in South Carolina with him?
Are you aware of the volume of calls from “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Robeson to me during the course of this entrapment scheme?
In your professional “special agent” opinion, why would two “FBI CHS’s” and “snitches” not be tasked with recording every contact with a “potentially dangerous domestic terrorist”?
Is it possible that the FBI might be discovered to be “radicalizing targeted Americans” with these tactics?
You testified previously about your covert communication practices with “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Jenny Plunk involving Proton Mail, how many interactions would you say you had?
You stated there is a record somewhere of those interactions, correct?
If you kept a record supposedly of the Proton convo’s why utilize such secretive measures?
Surely as an “ex-Special Forces” military member, you’d be able to instruct you “FBI CHS” and “snitch” on “OPSEC,” right?
Did “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Jenny Plunk record in Dublin?
Did “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Jenny Plunk record in Peebles?
You had a “FBI CHS” and “snitch” operating in Peebles, Ohio. Were you monitoring the meeting?
Were you aware that once again “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Robeson organized the Peebles meeting?
Let me back up, a week before Peebles “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Robeson organizes an “FTX” that gets touted as a family weekend with some firearms training, correct?
I have to work until late noon Thursday, so without help driving and watching my kids, I probably won’t be able to go, right?
I subcontracted for Amazon, my schedule is on my phone, in fact all my duties get entered into my phone and you had a warrant to monitor my phone, right?
“FBI CHS” and “snitch” Jenny Plunk offers to drive from TN to DE in order to help me attend Cambria, Wisconsin, correct?
And Cambria is “FBI CHS” and “snitch” Robeson’s family fun weekend with BBQ food, and firearms training right?
And you were able to monitor in real time this event, correct?