Progressive Anti-Christian Extremism Mirrors Soviet Repression
Christians remain the most persecuted religious group on the planet today, with even the BBC noting in some areas of the world Christians are facing a genocide. Despite this dire situation, far-left extremists have felt emboldened recently and have attacked the persecuted religious minority.
The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia has been a recent target of far-left extremists and Russophobes. ROCOR has semi-autonomous leadership and is self-governing, but that does not prevent ignorant bigots from calling the Church a “foreign-backed” wing of the KGB. No evidence has been proffered to back up the exaggerated and hysterical claims of far-left activists. On a more disturbing note, what the American progressives are doing mirrors exactly what the Bolsheviks and the Soviet regime did just before they slaughtered millions of Christians. You see, before they could embark on that bloody campaign they first had to try to discredit and dehumanize the church via propaganda. First, let’s look at the recent attacks on ROCOR and the Eastern Orthodox Church by far-left extremists: