FBI & Informants Lied About Pretext to Open Investigation in Michigan Case
The Michigan Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Case Continues to Unravel
October 23, 2022 - Back on October 7, 2020 the FBI arrested six (6) men they claimed had “conspired” to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. They claimed that the men were engaged in a domestic terrorist plot that the agency had “foiled.”
As the case went through the legal process, discovery showed a different story than what the FBI and the Department of Justice had initially claimed. The FBI had used a network of at least twelve (12) informants or CHS’s, and two (2) undercover agents.
The government pressured and coerced two (2) men into taking plea deals and testifying to the government narrative. Four men took the case to trial, which ended with two (2) men being acquitted of all charges and a mistrial being declared in regards to the other two (2) defendants.
The government then decided to re-try those defendants with a new, more “diverse” jury to get the outcome they desired which was a conviction.
Other men who were loosely affiliated with the Michigan militia group the FBI set up, the Wolverine Watchmen, have been charged in State court.
The State of Michigan vs Paul Bellar, Joe Morrison, and Pete Musico is currently underway in Traverse City. We learned more about the FBI’s pretext for opening the investigation into the Wolverine Watchmen. Mainly, we have learned that the FBI is lying about their pretext for initiating the investigation.
There were two (2) main government informants in the case, Steve “Robey” Robeson, a career criminal and longtime snitch and Dan “Big Dan” Chappel, a veteran who was the governments star witness.
Steve Robeson is pictured above from one of his mugshots.
Dan Chappel is pictured above from a public Twitter account that dates back to 2010.
FBI Presents no Proof or Evidence for Pretext to Open Investigation
FBI Special Agent Henrik Impola and CHS Dan Chappel claim the FBI opened its investigation into the Wolverine Watchmen in March of 2020. They claim they opened the investigation after Dan Chappel, wanting to maintain his “perishable tactical skills” joined the Wolervine Watchmen Facebook group which he claims to have magically come across while simply searching for pro-2A groups on the platform.
Dan claims to have gone through a basic “vetting” process and then got access to a private group chat. It was in this private group chat associated with the Watchmen that Dan claims to have seen “threats of violence against law enforcement officers,” and men talking about carrying out “reverse red flags.” He then claims that he went to a friend, who actually turned out to be his landlord, Detective Ramirez. Within two (2) weeks he was made an FBI informant.
There are holes and gaps in this story and the government never presented any proof of evidence of the alleged “threats” against law enforcement. What is interesting is Det. Ramirez happens to be on the "gang task force,” and the state of Michigan happens to be painting the Wolverine Watchmen militia group as a violent gang, despite the group never having in engaged in violence. Det. Ramirez happened to have an FBI supervisor due to his gang task force status.
What I believe is far more likely is that the FBI, working in conjunction with local law enforcement found a group they wanted to infiltrate and setup. I believe that Ramirez suggested his tenant Dan would make a good informant due to his prior military experience. And thus a conspiracy was born - not of a militia group seeking to kidnap the Governor, but of the FBI seeking to create a fake domestic terror plot it could then “foil.”
When asked under oath where the proof or evidence of the “threats” of violence against law enforcement officers was, both FBI Special Agent Impola and CHS Dan Chappel claimed they didn’t have this proof because it “disappeared” from the encrypted group chat. Evidently no one thought to screen shot it because I believe it never existed.
CHS Steve Robeson made the same claims, of threats of violence against law enforcement. Once again there is no documented proof or evidence to back up this claim. Robeson was not called by the government to testify at trial. He plead the fifth when called to testify by the defense. By keeping Robeson off the stand, it appears his role and part in the entrapment scheme was kept from the jury.
Holes in the Government Narrative
CHS Steve “Robey” Robeson goes to work as a CHS in October of 2019, citing witnessing talk of violence among the three percenter militia groups against law enforcement. There is no proof of the original alleged “threats” ever presented.
CHS Dan has the exact same story with the same flaws and no proof of the original “threats” of violence against law enforcement made by the Wolverine Watchmen in March of 2020.
Both CHS’s have the same story, both of them push for violence and offensive plans, both are in leadership positions.
CHS Steve Robeson and CHS Jenny Plunk both target Barry Croft in January of 2020, but there is magically no record of the phone calls.
The evidence appears to show clear collusion and coordination between the CHS’s and the FBI agents to entrap.
Evidence of Entrapment Jury Prevented from Viewing
The defense found over 200 instances of the FBI driving the plot and engaging in clear entrapment that Judge Jonker prevented the jury from seeing.
Here are just a few examples:
On August 31, 2020: CHS Dan Chappel tells Adam Fox (the homeless man the government claimed was the “ringleader” of the plot) that he should bring Barry Croft and CHS Steve Robeson on the ‘night op’ during the Luther FTX (FTX stands for Field Training Exercise). CHS Dan was clearly the leader and was directing Adam Fox to due things that could then be painted in an incriminating light by the government later on. CHS Dan tells Adam Fox to recruit Barry to the Luthor Charade.
On July 11, 2020: CHS Dan is texting with FBI Special Agent Impola and tells him that he got Barry Croft to agree to come to the Luther FTX, meaning Barry didn’t make the decision on his own to attend the FTX. CHS Dan tells SA Impola “I have Croft coming to Michigan to train.” This shows that CHS Dan, NOT Adam Fox is directing others, recruiting others and actively planning the Luther FTX.
On September 12, 2020: CHS Steve Robeson tells Dan that he wants a gunfighter in their car when they do the surveillance and that he wants Adam Fox and Barry Croft in the car with them so they can “chop shit up.” CHS Steve decides he wants his car to be him, Dan, Adam, Barry and UCE Red. Additionally he tells CHS Dan “We’ll put Barry and Adam together.” UCE Red asks the occupants of the vehicle - three of the five people in the vehicle are FBI - “all right fellas, where the fuck we going?” Barry Croft responds “destination unknown,” because Barry and Adam had no idea where they were going because they were not directing, planning or running anything. They didn’t even know where they were going.
There is overwhelming evidence that this entire thing was an FBI frame job and I encourage everyone to read through the Motion I have linked here to read the rest.
The FBI had no pretext, no probable cause to even open this investigation. If there was EVER any threats of violence against law enforcement officers it would have been documented and they would have presented it at trial to try to show these guys were violent extremists. There is a reason so much evidence was suppressed and the FBI must be held accountable.
yo guy can u unban me from yr telegram chat